..so I know that today is thankful thursday but I am going to focus on one thing today... 9/11
I remember I got up that morning to go to class on turned on the TV for some background noise while I got ready. In fact I turned it on just in time to see the second plane hit. I honestly was in total disbelief.
Still, I headed to class and the only word I can use to describe my emotion that day is anger. Everyone teacher wanted us to talk about what happened and how we felt and all I wanted to do was sit, think, and mourn.
I was working at Buffalo Wild Wings and the time and I was scheduled to work. If you have ever been in there you know they have the biggest TVs ever and a ridiculous amount of them. Every last screen replayed the footage over and over again. Some jerk put enough money in the juke box to play "its the end of the world as we know it" over and over and over again. I think only one person came in to eat that night.
Fast forward 3 months...
I was heading to a dance with my roomates and our dates when I got a call from my dad saying that my brother in law was being deployed. I honestly NEVER thought that anyone I loved would have to go but this was the start...
In the meantime, my other brother in law was aware that he too would have to go at some point. I met Ty during this time and stuggled a little with the fact that he was in the army. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I didn't consider him because of it, I just was a little nervous.
When we were engaged there was a chance that he would be deployed and it scared the CRAP out of me. I was a mess for days. We decide if we got deployed we would hurry up and get married really fast before he left. Luckily that never happened.
We were married and very soon after Michael did deploy. It just seemed like it was fore shadowing.
We were living in MN for 7 months when we got the call. He was to report for duty in 3 weeks for an 18 month depoloyment. I was beside myself. Its all I could think about. We quickly got a dog, got a house and prepared the best we could. Then the army told us he wouldn't be going, then going, then not. We got one last call for him to report later that week to deploy and this time it stuck.
It was hard, but we both learned so very much about our selves. I am so proud of him for the sacrafice he made to serve his country. Because these people who willingly serve, those at home as safe. We get to worship how we see fit, live how we believe is right, and know that we will be given a fair chance.
September 11th was a terrible day that lead to many I love, as well as my self, being forced to make the sacrifice of being without a loved one, but I'm thankful for what we have become because of it. We are stronger, more loving, and better people because of this experience.