...So my flag pole flower garden is actually coming in! I'm so happy! When we planted this I honestly never for more then 3 seconds thought that it would actually spring up from those funny little balls called bulbs. I'm glad I didn't listen the instructions though because I was suppose to only plant half this much!
Friday, August 29, 2008
You mean I don't have the touch of death?????
Posted by Audrey at 3:58 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Heres to you State Fair goers!!!
So I bet you can guess what we did this week! We took the day off tuesday and headed down to the fair. We are always so completely disgusted by humanity every time we go on saturday so we decided to give mid week a try and hope for the best. Luckily it paid off. Although, based on this picture I would say we are the humans people are disgusted of now:)
But really this is what this entire post is about. So I decided that we should go into the DFL booth because I wanted to read some lit and really make some decisions based on facts and reading about both sides is the way to go. We first of all I must say that the following wall is one of the most disrespectful things. Be strong enough to stand on your own issues and not bash someone else. So way to go DFL booth! You've sunk pretty low! I would say the same thing if there was anything like this in the Republican booth or the independent but after visiting them both, I can assure you there is not.
My favorite however was the following. It reads: "BREAST CANCER: We are thrown away like garbage. How can america treat their averave citizen like this!! First my life and now take my house? Shame on you Norm! Glad your RICH!" This one got me pretty mad. I'm not particularily sure how Norm Coleman being in office gave her breast cancer but apartently she is convinced it did. I wrote the following response "Coleman didn't TAKE your house and Franken sure as hell won't give it back!" I can't stand people who are just looking for a scape goat!!! If anyone is going to the fair this weekend, you'll have to let me know if its still there or if someone ripped it down.
The other thing that drove Ty and I crazy about this wall was that there wasn't a single valid reason!! Ty isn't all that thrilled with Coleman himself but at least write something besides "because he sides with Bush" as your reason. Ty though he was being pretty clever by writing "because he supports cap and trade". I'm okay with any of these people don't like Coleman if they have a valid reason!!!!!
Posted by Audrey at 5:07 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My photographic debut...
...So I took some family pics for the Bennion's yesterday. I hope you don't mind if I put a few up Jes! They were very patient with me while I figured things out. Here are a couple. I'm sure they will share more once they get the ones they picked out
Posted by Audrey at 1:29 PM 7 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thankful Sunda....er, I mean THURSDAY!
So this week has been a little trying for me so I am in major need of some thankfulness....
1.Waterproof mascara
2. pumice stones
4. PTO
5. Excederine
6. Tithing
7. Contact solution
8. soft serve ice cream
9. craigslist (see, I told you it would probably make it this week!)
10. that I can do THIS with my tounge!!!
Posted by Audrey at 4:18 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I need to deFUNK!
I've been looking at everything lately to see how it would look in a photograph. I don't think I have ever looked at the moon and sun set as much before! It really makes me appreciate everything that we have been given. There is so much beauty around us and I'm so thankful to be able to enjoy it.
Posted by Audrey at 5:23 AM 7 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Rewind.....Rant Revisited!
A while back I was just a little angry (understatement) that a certain state representative candidate had sent us a PACKET pleading his case for office that contained 99% of why the other guy sucked (I'm not exaggerating) and a side note about what he stands for. To say it kindly, it though this was the biggest cop out ever! So I fumed for a while but let it go.
Last week I was driving home along County Rd 5 and saw a big campaign sign against my back fence for said candidate. I got in and asked Ty if he had given permission for the propaganda. When he told me no, I think you could have seen steam coming out of my ears. I was so mad that this guy would have the guts to just have a sign put wherever he feels. I went out back, ripped it out of the ground (I got a couple of looks) and threw it at the end of my driveway.
I looked the guy up and found a phone number which happened to be his home! I didn't realize it until his 10 year old son answered. I asked for the ballsy candidate and when he got on the phone I proceeded to tell him I didn't not appreciate his nerve. Also I thought it was a pretty sad tactic to send out negative info about the other and not bother to tell us about him.
He said someone would come pick up his sign and he was sorry. He told me that he had never been a politician and took the advice of the some people in to party by sending out the info about he other guy. He than asked me if I thought it was important to know those things and wouldn't I rather have someone else. I said, "Honestly, I think its just one big crutch! You should be good enough to tell us about you and believe in yourself enough to think that people will vote for you based on that, not how much they don't like the other guy."
He listened to me and asked that I go to his website and just check him out. He wanted an email to know what I thought, good or bad. Well, I checked it out, and I actually like the guy!!! I'm still a little repulsed at his way of going about this, but his ideas intrigue me.
Now I'm faced with a decision in a dirty campaign! Grrrrrr!
Posted by Audrey at 9:18 AM 5 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
ThankfulThursday RETURNS......
.. Thankful thrusday has been on vacation but it has return and is ready for action.
1. Toe nail polish, without you how would we hide our ugly feet?
2. My Canon powershoot S5IS
3. Pre-shredded cheese
4. A car that gets 37 miles to the gallon
5. PJ pants
6. multiple pillows at night
7. Saved by the Bell
8. Prayer
9. The US flag and all it stands for
10. The humane society
Can you believe Craigslist didn't make the cut this week? Check back next week, I'm considering a purchase.
Posted by Audrey at 5:05 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm starting to get it!!!!
So I started playing with photography and now photoshop and I think I may have found a new passion!!! Photoshop has been perplexing me the last few nights but I think I may have figured a few things out now. Its not perfect by any means but I want to show you a photo I took at Kylee and Johns wedding and altered a bit. What do you think??
Posted by Audrey at 6:01 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I triumph over teenagers!!!!
Highlights of our trip:
1. Rikki got an impromptu haircut!
float) and Bri is Fanny Pack. (feel free to call them these, I'm sure they'll love it:)
3. NO SUNBURNS!!! This is amazing for a group of girls who all want a tan!
4. Apartently, this is what I look like when I go co co bannanas in a tent!
6. We did a service project for the camp. We painted all of the signs for the campsites. Apparently this proved to be difficult for some wards which I don't quite understand.
Posted by Audrey at 6:21 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Last Will and Testament...
I'm heading out to girls camp in 10 minutes here and in case I am eaten by a bear (or a 17 year old girl) I want you to know that I will miss you all!!!
Posted by Audrey at 1:21 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
What happens when you get 8 crazy girls together???
.....You end up at Borders at midnight waiting for Breaking Dawn to be released!!!!
It was an awesome night. We ended up playing guitar hero and dance dance revolution while we patiently awaited the fated moment of truth. We took off for Borders and when we got there, we discovered 400 + people in the store for the same reason. We got our wristbands and, as the army puts it, prepared to "hurry up and wait".
Andrea decided to take Jen and Kylee over to Walmart (even though see has a moral problem with the place) and see what the chances we could get them there. They called, we hadn't even moved in inch in line, and told us they had 8 copies in there hands and we had better get over there quick. Well, when we got there, we found them hiding the clothes as to avoid an angry Edward loving mob because they had the last 8 books in the store!
Posted by Audrey at 3:39 PM 6 comments