Friday, May 22, 2009

What if your nose really itched???

......I don't mean a little... I mean itched so much that it was driving you a little mad. So much that you wouldn't think twice about sticking a sharp pencil up there just for a little relief???

Would you scratch it???????

And just hope some lady didn't just happen to be standing on the side of the road snapping photos??


THE BLAIRS said...

hey dude! sorry i missed your call and changed my message. I just didnt think it would fit as well in "Utard". so.. yes we are driving up to weston today so i ll be calling you then and hoping there will not be screaming children in the background.

Sarah said...

you are so funny- just reading this made my nose itch. Except it really hurts from being blown all the time.... I hate colds.

Linz said...

Dude did you seriously take this picture??

Audrey said...

yeah, I did:)

Kristen said...

Nice, Audrey. I was hoping it wouldn't be a picture of me picking at Karsyn's ear! I like the cow itching it's nose wayyyyyy better! LOL